Using musescore in a networked (school) environment

• Jan 29, 2014 - 17:04

I have asked for musescore to be put on my children's school network for use on their laptops.

However, is there much experience of using musescore in a networked environment? Any ideas on likely glitches?


I can't think of any special reasons this would create issues. Details would depend on what OS. On Windows, the main installation folder could be global, but everyone would have their own local AppData folders for preferences and so forth. There are a few folders with the main installation that users "might" be tempted to want to write to - for custom templates especially - so you'd have to decide whether to support that by making the folder writable. Most likely, you'd decide no, and if people wanted to contribute templates, have one administrator handle that. For 2.0, templates will be loaded from both the main location as well as a user location, so there would be no need to provide write access to the installation folder at all.

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