Speed up compilation process?!

• Feb 13, 2014 - 15:01

Is there any possibility to speed up the compilation process of MuseScore? Can anybody recommend tools such as ccache when compiling MuseScore (github)? My old machine needs about half an hour each time...

Thanks for your reply.


Just so you know, a full re-compile on my quite new Windows 8.1 box (quad core i7-3770 @3.4Ghz) takes 34 minutes. It used to be much longer on similar hardware with the old plug-in system.

In reply to by jschwalm

The current code on Windows can't use precompiled headers because of a bug in MinGW gcc with large precompiled headers... and so it's slow. Even with precompiled headers, it was slower than on Linux. See http://dev-list.musescore.org/Qt-5-2-and-MuseScore-td7578529.html

On linux, with the same hardware, it should be several times faster than on Windows. I never tried ccache. If linking takes a lot of time, you might want to try the gold linker if it's not the default.
Then it's all about your CPU and your disk speed...

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