how to control the tempo

• Feb 15, 2014 - 15:44

Can someone please explain to me how to control the default temp of a piece. I know i can use the play panel to control what percentage of the default tempo the score is played, but how can I set the default tempo?

I have created a tempo text at the beginning, of quarter note = 30, but it still plays at quarter note =60 which is what I specified when I created the piece a long time ago.

I've attached the piece to this post.

Thanks in advance.


Attachment Size
Sonata in E.mscz 6.32 KB


I may have figured something out. If I simply delete the tempo text and add some tempo again while the first note of the piece is selected, it seems to actually set the tempo.

In reply to by jim.newton.562

Assuming the file wasn't imported from MIDI and have hard-coded tempo specifications, then you shouldn't need to delete a tempo marking - just right click it and use tempo properties to specify the actual tempo.

For 2.0, MuseScore will attempt to figure out the tempo from the text itself.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm not sure why, but when I try to edit the tempo text, it doesn't work so well. the text editing doesn't work so well. if the curser is between = and 90 and type a character it inserts before the =. I can't really figure out how to change =90 to =120 etc. But if I delete it I can usually re-enter it correctly.

In reply to by jim.newton.562

Ah, this is with an experimental nightly build? Text handling has been undergoing some fairly major changes over the past couple of weeks, especially with regard to mixed symbols and text, and it appears to still have some ways to go before it stabilizes. So what you are seeing is presumably just a temporary glitch that will be fixed soon. Feel free to submit it as an actual issue in the tracker just to make sure it doesn't fall through the cracks, with steps to reproduce starting from a new score created from scratch since it's quite likely that tempo markings created in older builds will no longer be expected to work anyhow.

For the record, it is better to post discussion of experimental nightly builds in the Technology Preview forum, and to be specific about which build you are testing, since behavior often changes day to day.

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