Missing extension .mscz on save after importing a MusicXML file

• Aug 28, 2017 - 11:38

Everything is in the title.
Linux version
MusicXML generated by lasconic's Noteworthy converter (Thanks to you again!!!)
File opened in MS then saved in MS format: by default, the filename doesn't have the .mscz extension.

Attachment Size
2+-+2.+Larghetto.xml 3.96 MB
Capture du 2017-08-28 12-38-19.png 79.53 KB


Are you on Windows XP or Vista? If so this is a known idiosyncrasy with those, you'd need to explicitly enter the extension.

Edit: Hmm, reading helps, you mentioned Linux...

I'm not familiar with Linux, but in Windows you can suppress the display of the extension (.mscz in this case). The MuseScore save window would not list the other .mscz files if they were not there. It does not look at the internal file to decide they are .mscz files but rather the file extension. My point is, the extension must be there.

With OpenSuse Leap and XFCE there's the extension by default in the field "file name" (as both via file->save as... or shortcut ctrl+shift+s).


Attachment Size
save.png 18.96 KB

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