Changing the beat a notes on

• Sep 10, 2017 - 03:58

(For reference I'm working in common time) I'm making a piece that has 3 beats of rest before two 8th notes come in. I can't seem to move those 8th notes to the 4th beat however. Any help?


Are you referring to the first measure being a pickup where piece starts with two quavers just before the barline? If so, then right-click on the measure and change its Actual Time to 1/4 then enter your notes. If itś an ordinary 4/4 measure in the middle of a piece then enter three quarter-beat rests and the your notes.

Indeed, as others have said, normally you enter the rests first, then the notes - left to right, just like you read. Or, if you are talking about a pickup measure, shorten the measure first, then enter the notes.

However, if you are in a situation where for whatever reason you have already entered notes into one place and now decide you want them somewhere else instead, use cut & paste to move them. Select the two notes (eg, click the first, Shift+right to extend select to the second), Ctrl+X to cut, click the desired destination, Ctrl+V to paste. But there probably isn't anything there on beat 4 right now unless you enter some rests, so you'll need to do that anyhow, most likely.

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