Instrument change issue

• Mar 27, 2014 - 17:54

Hi, I'm new here and I had a few questions about the software. Recently, I have been working on transcription from midi to sheet form and have been using Musescore for this process. While most projects have went fine, I've noticed an issue that I'm not sure about. When I go to change the instrument that I am working with for a particular midi, in this case celesta, the score on the screen gets completely removed. Is there a way to fix that from happening? My goal is to be able to have the sheet form for that instrument so this is proving to be rather difficult.

The secondary issue is the implementation of the bass clef and treble working together in a transcription. In this case, it is for a double french horn that has a part that goes into the bass clef but primarily is working in the treble.

Thanks for your time!


Hello! i don't really understand what you are saying about a score being removed. Could you post a score you are having problems with and then described *exactly* - step by step, like "first click this, then press that" - what you are doing?

As for clerfs, you don't say what issue you are having actually is. Maybe it's just that you don't know how to change clefs? Drag from the palette at left directly onto the measure where you want the change to occur, drop when it highlights.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Here is the Celesta Midi. I hit open, I click Celesta. I want to make the instrument the celesta so I hit create, instruments, select celesta and remove the old clef. Now nothing exists and I can't add in the music from the midi without starting a new project and repeating this issue.

For clefs, when I hit open to the french horn midi it only gives it to me in Bass clef when it is written to have treble and bass parts in it and I'm not sure how to make that happen on here.

Attachment Size
Celesta.MID 12.76 KB

In reply to by Absynth

1. Right click on an empty part of a measure.
2. In the menu that pops up, click on 'Staff Properties'.
3. Then, under Part Properties, click on 'Change Instrument'.
4. Expand the Keyboards list and choose "Celesta'.


For clefs, if you wish to change the clef for several measures on a single staff, follow Marc's advice above.

Attachment Size
Change Instrument.PNG 167.06 KB

In reply to by Absynth

Create / Instruments lets you add & delete instruments from your score. So when you deleted the old instrument, it deleted the content of the staff for that instrument too. To change an existing instrument into a different instrument, use Staff Properties as described above.

If you want to *change* the clef of an existing staff, do it as I already described previously. If you want to *add* an additional staff to an existing instrument, do it in Create / Instruments. Select the existing instrument, click Add Staff.

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