Musescore and Qsynth

• Apr 1, 2014 - 16:25

I have read that using Qsynth you can use several instruments in Musescore from diferents Sf2 in the same score even in Windows like do many others musical software that use Fluidsynth. I have downloaded Qsynth and I cannot find help the same when I look in Musecore Manual and Forum, Internet etc.
Could anybody tell me if that is possible? Must I use Audio Jack or others ? what must I set in Musescore and Qsynth
If it was posible it could be usefull for many users of Musescore so they could avoid to do continously sf2 for news scores


I don't know the answer to your question, but thought you might like to know that in MuseScore 2.0, it will be possible to load and use multiple soundfonts within the same score. While I wouldn't recommend using developments bulds for real work yet, you could always create your score in 1.3, load a copy of the score into a nightly build, set up the sf2 files the weay you like, and use that to generae audio when the time comes (presumably only at the very end of the score-creation process) to care about such details.

Thanks Marc for your kindly answer
I don’t understand what you say when you tell “you could always create ….”
We wait for Musescore 2.0 with excitement.
Thanks for your work

In reply to by agustirrinin

I mean, even though MuseScore 2.0 is not released yet, you can install a nightly build of it already - see the Downloads link in the menu at right of this page. By having both version 1.3 and 2.0-nightly installed at once, you could do as i said - *create* your score using 1.3, then load it into 2.0-nightly when it comes time to generate a final MP3 or whatever, so you can take advantage of its improved playback.

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