transifex translation method questions

• Apr 1, 2014 - 17:51


I downloaded yesterday the last nighly, and first I wanted to know if translation with transifex are inserted as they are translated ...?

I also downloaded the ts file from transifex, ... where do I save it to use in the nightly build ...?

As an eexample, yesterday Breath and Palette shouwed in english in the palette and I think it is already translated

Transifex makes us able to search with key words, so, with a nightly build open we can use them to know better how to translate .... does it be right as a method ? could it work ? How do other translators do ? (in french and other languages ...)

Thank you ;)


You can update the translation from Help -> Resource Manager in MuseScore. There is a process somewhere which asks Transifex for the last translations and create .qm files for the resource manager, every 5 minutes.
The palette is a bit special, you need to make sure that you delete the palette configuration file. On Windows, this file is in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScoreNightly\workspaces

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I just saw I didn't thank you.... so Thank you for your answer ;)

Where I'm just now, I don't have any file (nor folder I just tried) with the name "workspace" (even with * when I did the research)..... and not at all at my MusescoreNightly folder
Has the organisation changed ? and renamed ?

I also updated with the latest nightly the translation from the ressource manager, and I'm surprised in the menu , "Layout", (and submenu) "Page setting..." and "Reset" aren't translated but when I look in transifex they are.......
but closing and reopening that works .... Also some Palette things are translated ;) that weren't before .......

Thank you in advance for your reply ;)

In reply to by Shoichi

Because I'm clumsy.
Sometimes I do not find, in Nightly, the translations that I am sure I have done. As my (bad) habit I use a trick:
I log in to Transifex;
I take a term already translated;
Edit and save;
Reset and save.
Shortly after I upgrade, as explained by lasconic.

In reply to by Shoichi

I have noticed another thing....
in the software for example in Style -> General, you have the OK Aply and Cancel button, that aren't in Transifex for translation....
or even some palettes words....?

when you search them by key words transifex return nothing....

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