how to reproduce this bar

• Apr 6, 2014 - 09:54

hi all,

hope someone could teach me how to
reproduce this bar.

tried musescore 1.3 and nightlybuild but fail.

key signature - c major
time signature - 4/4

many many many thanks

Attachment Size
part.jpg 32.9 KB


You can re-create the appearance but it's more difficult to recreate playback.

1] Enter semiquaver (E,D,A), quaver rest, quaver rest, quaver rest, semiquaver (E,D).
2] Enter crotchet D,E,A,D,E,A,A and flip it vertically (X)
3] Press [Ctrl] and click to select in turn the semiquaver, rest, rest, rest, semiquaver
4] Go to the Beam palette and select the "Middle of Beam" symbol
5] Make quaver the rests invisible
6] Select all the semiquaver notes, right-click and change their Notehead properties to "Minim"
7] Double-click on the second semiquavers (now looking like minims) and move them about 7 spaces to the left
8] Add a text entry for "12"; resize it and position it as appropriate
9] Add the dynamic markings (the "sff" and crescendo)
10] Add in ties and slurs and adjust them to get them looking right
11] Save just that bar as a separate file for future use in similar situations

Attachment Size
Tremolo_Semi.mscz 2.23 KB

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