Is it possible to use MuseScore on an HP Chromebook 11?

• Apr 8, 2014 - 03:26

I want to purchase an HP Chromebook 11, and the only thing holding me back is whether or not I can somehow run MuseScore on it.


I know it's a late reply, but I came across your question while also looking for this answer.

You can use a tool called crouton to switch between chromium and a linux distro if the device is in developer mode. Once set up, this switch is quick and easy as chromium and linux can share a kernel. You can run musescore for ubuntu out of this as you would on any other linux pc.

I don't know, though, whether this voids the device warranty.

I have a Samsung ARM (Series 3) Chromebook and MuseScore works fine with Crouton/Ubuntu/LXDE except that I could not make sound work. MuseScore did not run using sudo although I have seen that suggestion as a solution to the sound problem.

If someone has insight into the problem, it would be much appreciated.

In reply to by rebern42

Which version of Ubuntu did you install? If you look at /etc/group, do you see yourself and "pulse" listed in the "audio" group? I know I had to mess with this, but that was in part because I first installed 12.04 then upgraded to 14.04 while still setting all this up, and the way audio works changed.

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