delete unwanted notes or rests

• Sep 23, 2017 - 03:48

How do you delete a note or a rest in Musescore?


You can delete rests from voice 2, 3 and 4. You cannot delete voice 1 rests. Music is either sound or silence. You can replace rests (silence) with notes (sound), you can remove sound (select note and press the del key) and get silence, but you cannot remove silence. Unless you replace with sound.
If you want to remove a voice 1 rest or a note or chord and expect all following music to move left to fill the gap: MuseScore doesn't work that way, you'd have to use cut and paste instead.

Seems about time to turn this into a How-to...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi. I teach Harmony, and used to use Sibelius to create homework exercises for my class. I recently started using Musescore, which I find much easier to use. BUT, I can't figure out a way to just write a figured bass line and leave the treble staff blank. It's an exercise that requires students to complete the upper three voices (soprano, alto, and tenor) above the bass that I provide, so I need blank measures in the treble with no rests. From what I've read in the forum, it seems that Musescore does not permit this? Thanks.

In reply to by Pamelak

MuseScore doesn't support it, but that doesn't mean you can't work around it.

You can enter meaningless notes into the score and then enter the figured bass. Next, delete the notes one by one and the figured bass will remain. You can select several notes by using ctrl+click to select them, but you cannot use shift+click to select several notes because the figured bass will also be deleted. If you want measure rests rather than the rests left over from the notes, select the first rest in a measure and press ctrl+shift+delete.

P.S. you should have put this in a new thread so others might find it easier.

"A rest" is "where a note is not." But you can click on a rest and convert it to a different value that represents the same duration of time. For example, a half-rest can be converted to two quarter-rests or vice-versa. If you shorten a note, you will observe that a rest appears next to it to account for the newly-added silence.

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