Midi Guitar Music Import

• May 3, 2014 - 13:03
S4 - Minor

tested with MuseScore v 1.3 in MacOsX 10.9.2
Guitar music scores sound one note below from what is written. It think his must be taken into consideration while importing midi files by letting user choosing the instrument or parsing the related event from MIDI file. Its same for the some other instruments (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposing_instrument).

For example importing the attached midi file results in strange ranges for guitar playing.

Attachment Size
Carcassi_Etude_No8_Op60.mid 7.58 KB


In d481552, it imports using bass clef. It should be the treble-8 clef as it is when adding a guitar staff normally.

Of course, you can change the clef manually - both in 1.3 and in the development/2.0 builds. And you can set transposition properties manually too. But it does seem this sort of thing could be handled better automatically based on the instrument used.