Playing multiple repeats from the same start point

• Jun 5, 2014 - 03:27

Please observe the following (see attached):

I transcribed a copy of the song "Lord I Need You" into MS so I could easily transpose the key and (yet to be added) chords. But on playback I get some strange manifestations:
1. On first play through, the measure at the first ending is skipped completely; the playback passes from measure 16 straight to measure 18.
2. On the repeat at measure 27, the playback returns to measure 10. But the repeat plays through the first ending a second time (skipping measure 17 as before); the repeat at measure 27 then returns to the pickup measure at the beginning instead of measure 10.
3. On the last repeat, the playback plays straight through from top to bottom, including the first and second endings in its playback -- without repeats -- instead of returning to measure 10 and jumping from measure 16 to measure 38.

This started out as a bug report // , where it was suggested that it be posted as a feature request (especially since it has been advised that the development versions of MS 2.0 don't handle multiple repeats from the same start point any better). I will allow that it may present a case of possible feature creep. However, the discussion previously cited does make the point that the practice displayed in these files (especially in the PDF) is both common and proper, especially in the field of popular music; and it would be good if MS properly handled the playback of multiple repeats returning to the same start point, as playback is perhaps the best way to ensure that you have in notation what you intended to write.

Thank you.

Attachment Size
Lord, I Need You.mscz 3.3 KB
lord-i-need-you.pdf 150.3 KB


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