Breath moves to next line when line breaks with in a splitted measure

• Nov 3, 2017 - 08:30

A note has a breath after it (breath.png).
Splitting the measure and inserting a line break, the breath moves to the next line (split_1.png and split_2.png).
I'ld expect having the breath behind the note I added it in the same line.

As a workaround I added the breath to the note before and changed the offset (workaround.png).

Is there a better way getting the breath next to the note?

Attachment Size
workaround.png 1.5 KB
split_2.png 2.2 KB
split_1.png 1.54 KB
breath.png 1.21 KB


You have discovered a bug I haven't seen before. The work around is to split the measure then add the breath to the last note in the first measure just created. The breath will then work as expected.

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