more comfortable way to edit lyrics text (esp. insert/remove syllable)

• Nov 6, 2017 - 08:14

I worked a lot with MuseScore meamwhile and I like a very much! The only thing that makes troubles for me: the way how to edit lyrics, especially if you import them (I often use the way to prepare my lyrics as text file and then import). The same is true for copy/paste a lyrics line from one staff to another.
What I miss most here is the following feature:
"insert"/"delete" a syllable so that the following text is moved one note to right/left. With this I could completely import a lyrics text (without regarding the correct alignment) and then align correctly in a second step.
What would be fine to be implemented in the same moment is a feature to break a word into 2 syllables, moving the 2nd syllable to the next note.


In reply to by Bacchushlg

I've no doubt your method is easier to implement. In fact, what you want is - almost - possible already. What you can do is select a range of notes that have lyrics, right-click on one of the lyrics and choose "select all similar elements in range selection". Now copy (or cut) and paste the lyrics so they start one note earlier/later than they did before. Your request is basically for a way to automate this feature.

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