Replace Note Names with numbers

• Nov 7, 2017 - 16:41

I'm looking for a way to replace the note names with numbers. The functionality of the plugin "note names" is already the right one, only the note names are based on the language file and I can not find the entries in the "qt_XXX.qm" file. Am I looking in the right place?

The background for this unusual method is the unification of differently tuned instruments in a single sheet for the musicians of a drum ensemble (collection of people with little musical background, so that they can play according to the numbers)


c -> 0
cis -> 1
d -> 1 1/2
dis -> 2
e -> 3


The plugin takes the translations of MuseScore itself (from the mscore_*.qm files) so just modify the corresponding strings in the notenames.qml file, so it uses fixed strings rather then going through any kind of translations.

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