Wrong placement of lyrics text verses in case of placement "above"

• Nov 10, 2017 - 07:40
Reported version
S4 - Minor

The new MuseScore allows to select option "above" for lyrics text. Very fine!
But it orders the verses in an unusual manner: verse 1 is on bottom, the others follow on top of this. Better would be the same as for lyrics below: verse 1 on top, the others following below this. This is the way usually scores are notated for multi-voice score lines.


This problem is actually the main reason for me, not the switch to version 3 for normal work. All the rest seems to work smooth and fine for me.
Do you have a schedule concerning this item? Would be fine if it could be handled in the near future...

In reply to by Bacchushlg

Using the master for daily work at this point is not recommended. There are too many ways that future releases can break compatibility with the current build and versions 2.x do not properly open currently nightlies. No one would be able to open the score unless they have a relatively small range of nightlies that would be able to open the file.

oh, really?
That's a pity, because the feature to handle lyrics in the way that version 3 does is really a great advantage (for people working with vocal choir scores).
Any idea when some sort of RC-version is planned?

Well, things are not so bad :) 3.0 aka master is better and better as we do big input day by day, so the RC may be closer and sooner than we can think ;)