enterig note, rest automatically entered, can not delete rest

• Jun 20, 2014 - 20:02

I reently started using MuseScore and my first entry did fine. However, when entering a new second selection the notes are immediately followed by a rest, which was not entered and can't be deleted. Has anyone had this problem, how to solve it?


It sounds like you are using 2 voices. See voices in the manual: http://musescore.org/en/handbook/voices

Each voice must logically have a complete bar's worth of time displayed, so, if for example, you have one voice as a whole note and a 2nd voice as a half note, the 2nd voice requires a half rest to "fill" the time.

If you must hide them (although that is against convention), you can right-click on them and "set invisible".

It always helps if you the score you are having trouble. Otherwise, we are just guessing.

it is indeed possible you are experiencing confusion with the Voices feature that allows multiple rhythms on one staff. but it's also possible you are simply misunderstanding how MuseScore note entry works at the most basic level. MuseScore knows how many beats are supposed to be in a measure and makes sure that is maintained unless you take specific steps to override this for the extremely rare situations where you might need to. But normally, for a 4/4 measure, there are four beats in the measure, and if you enter a quarter note, there need to be three beats worth of rests, so MuseScore creates them. It wouldn't make musical sense to "delete" them - a rest is already silence, and there is nothing more silent than a rest.

Again, if you post the score you have problems with and describe more exactly what your problem is, I'm sure we can straighten it out.

If I am on the right track, and hopefully explain clearer Jcampbell812's problem, which looks like the same problem I'm having,: Say for a 4/4 time and on the very first bar I only need to put a 1/8th note (I'm coying from a score onto MuseScore, and continue on the next bar, MuseScore will automatically insert "rests" in the first bar right after the first 1/8th note.
I would like the music to be continue right after the first not (without any rests) between the "first note" and the "second note".
Question therefore: Is there a way of removing any "auto-generated" rests in MuseScore to enable a continious playing from the 1st music note on to the next music note, without the rests?

Hope I'm making sense..

In reply to by rubronxne

Indeed, if you want a measure that is only 1/8 note long at the beginning of a piece, that's called a pickup measure or anacrusis. You had the option of specifying that when you first created the score and chose the time signature, but if you overlooked that, or changed your mind later, you can change the length of the first measure (or any measure, actually) by rght clicking it and changing the "Actual duration" as decfribed in the page mentioned above.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Thank you very much!!!..... got it!!! ... you were right!!. BTW, don't know how many times I was looking at this page (you referred to) last night and could not get it done. First, because was not confident I was looking at the right page, and ... just in case I messed up my MuseScore setup and lose my music I was working on. FYI, I don't read music, and probably the main reason why I'm having problems every now and then. MuseScore has been the first music notation software I've found that has given me enough confidence to (now complete 2 choir songs, for our choir group). It allows me to play the SATB voices to the group ... and independently for each voice as well. This allows our choir members (most of whom do not read music) to now learn their parts especially those most difficult ones, ... and at slow speeds if needed ... and most important now, to precision :-) Thanks again!

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