Anyone willing to transcribe Homestuck music in exchange for art?

• Dec 10, 2017 - 23:48

Hey! I'm pretty new to musescore, and music in general, but I really like collecting sheet music for the songs I'm into and don't really have the skill yet to transcribe music myself. However, I am a digital artist, and I'm willing to draw OCs, fanart, basically anything (within reason) in exchange for it. I already have a pretty big collection of Homestuck sheet music, but there's still a lot more I'd like to have!

The pics I've added are some examples of art I've done!

Attachment Size
davetransparent.png 269.07 KB
jade2.png 456.46 KB
jaspersprite1.png 68.32 KB
keepers 4.png 368.6 KB


Hi! Your art is fabulous. I'd have to describe my skill at transcribing as hit-and-miss, but I'd absolutely be willing to take a stab at something.

Yeah, this "Home Stuck" business sounds pretty sketchy though.

In reply to by [DELETED] 24054651

Omg, thank you so much!! I've downloaded some of your transcriptions already, and they seem pretty accurate, so I'm sure you're giving yourself less credit than you deserve ;o Do you think you could try doing Hate You off of Volume 9 or Green Lolly off of the Cherubim album?

btw! do you have a tumblr or something I could hit you up on? It would be a bit easier than communicating over the musescore forum you feel me.

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