sound effects (birds)

• Dec 13, 2017 - 09:11

Is there a way to add sound effects to a score? I have some bird sounds I want to use near the end of a song, e.g. as a second "voice"; basically I want it to be a soft background sound (p, or pp). The file currently is in mp3, but I can convert it to any format that works. Thanks.


For adding 'pre-recorded' sound effects to a score, a 'scorewriting' software like MuseScore is not a good match. An 'audio' app like Audacity will allow you to mix your sound effects with an audio file of your score exported from MuseScore.

On a lighter side...
The general midi soundfont used by MuseScore (FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3) does include sound effects like 'Fret Noise', 'Telephone', and even has a 'Bird Tweet'.
Now, you are probably aware that birds can't read music notation; however, the mixer sounds can be used nonetheless.
Have a listen to this attachment: T-light_Zone.mscz

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