Get rid of large white space at bottom of page

• Dec 13, 2017 - 22:55

Hello everyone
In the attached score, there is a sizeable bit of space left at the bottom of the page. The staves are a bit too close to each other, and I'm sure it will look prettier if I could just move some of them down a bit to fill that empty space. I am aware of the settings in Style > General, but I have no idea which numbers to adjust to get the desired result. Can anyone help with this?
In the Bleak Midwinter SATB.mscz


For the record, it looks you you already modified the min & max system distance. Decreasing the min distance is what allowed this fit on one page (albeit at the expense of readability - the systems are really too close together), but it was decreasing the max distance that prevented MuseScore from filling the page.

However, you will find that using lyrics to add parentheses around notes has caused other problems - it causes MuseScore to think it needs more space below staves than it actually does. Get rid of those and instead add regular parentheses from the palette.

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