Dynamic Break Multi-Measure Rest [Figured it out]
When I am composing a piece with multiple parts, if one instrument has a multi-measure rest while another has a dynamic marking, when just showing the single part (with the rests), the dynamic breaks the multi-measure rest.
I had to go to File>Parts and then wow it worked
Indeed, dynamics do break muiltimeasure rests
In reply to Indeed, dynamics do break… by Jojo-Schmitz
I have just had this same problem - is there any chance that this will get fixed?
In reply to I have just had this same… by Ugifer
Not sure what you mean, dynamics are supposed to break multimeasure rests in parts, if they are actually present in those parts. But it seems pointless to include them if the part is resting, so just delete them from those parts. And dynamics in one part do not break rests in a different part.
If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score and explain what you mean in more detail