Does Musescore auto-save scores and parts?

• Jan 3, 2018 - 18:44

I just did a complete score for a tune for my orch. I exported the parts to PDF's but for some reason, the parts and the completed score was not saved. Is it saved somewhere?


Export is export, save is save. Are you saying you did not save the score at all at any point while working on it? And then you closed the score, and ignored the warning that your score was not saved and said "no" when it asked you to save it? If so, then I'm afraid the score is gone. Yes, MuseScore autosaves while working on the score, so it has something to recover in the event of a power outage, system failure, or program crash, but when you close a file normally, the autosave is removed.

If on the other hand you did save the score, then the score is there where you saved it; exporting parts would not have changed that in any way.

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