Newbie question on adding rests

• Jan 5, 2018 - 13:44

Hi, I just want to create a really simple score for a friend quickly. I'm recording the melody in Reason and exporting it via MIDI to MuseScore. I thought this would be really easy but it's not showing up quite right. Turns out between Reason and MuseScore the start is not begin correctly identified. The tune starts halfway through the first bar in 3/4 i.e. quarter + 1/8 note rest. MuseScore is reading this as starting on the first note. 'No problem' I thought I'll just add the rests and shift it all along but any attempt to add just overwrites what's there. Can't seem to find how to do this though it seems like a simple enough thing to want to do.


So it starts with a pickup measure, but the MIDI import doesn't recognize this?
Please share score and MIDI
You could use cut (everything)/paste(mid-measure)

As a work around I added a voiced note at the start of the bar quantized to make sure the timing was ok and in musescore replaced the dummy note with a rest and it seems to be ok. But surely there's a more elegant way.

I'm guessing it's Reason which is just creating the midi file based on the first note, though MuseScore puts the tempo as 120 on the page so seems not to be reading the true tempo of 110. Anyways hopefully this is clear enough for her to read!

In reply to by BobbaD

Getting right in Reason is definitely best. You want notes in the correct measures and on the correct beats before importing, otherwise ties etc will be notated incorrectly.

But if you are unable to get it right in Reason first and the notes are showing up displaced from where they should be, you can correct this in MuseScore using cut and paste as mentioned. Select everything from the first note of the piece to the end, cut, now click the desired place where you want the first note to be, paste. Any ties that were created based on the incorrect rhythms will remain and be inappropriate now. So then you can use Layout / Regroup Rhythms to try to fix this. Do it right away, though, as it loses some other info that might have been added later.

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