discrepancies between computer and musescore on the net

• Jan 17, 2018 - 09:19

I made a "template" on my computer ( to write cadences mainly per hand). When I post it on the internet the text lines go all over the place,
don't have the required length etc. Is there a way to make sure that everything remains as it is on my computer ? thank you in advance for your time Tartarane


In reply to by Tartarane

Sorry, PDFs don't help here, we'd need scores, .mscz files, from the Template (which is nothing else but a regular score, sitting in the templates directory, see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/create-new-score#templates) and the score that resulted from that template.

OK, I see the score at


but still need the template, presumably Cadenze7.mscz.

I can see that these lines are not really lines, but Staff Text made from underscores, "_"
That score looks the same on theMuseScore.com as it does in MuseScore on my machine, so I don't really understand what issue you're having?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

ok now you have the same two in mscx
my lines change length, sometimes place (higher or lower). Why does it change every time I save a new version online ?
I would like to have my score online exactly as the one on my computer. To have staff text made from underscore seem the only way to have line on which I can spell the names of my chords and cadences
thank you

Attachment Size
Cadence7.mscx 11.03 KB

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