After opening file, Save As & Export should default to the directory the file was opened from
When I start a session of Musescore and then open a new file using Open or Open Recent, the default directory for the Save * operations and for Export should reflect the directory I just opened the file from. Right now Musescore presumes I want to save to Documents/Musescore2/Scores, a directory I do not use.
Also, when opening from the Open Recent menu, you don't always remember which directory your file was saved in. Having Export or Save As start in the right directory can provide a helpful hint.
As explained in various other threads, the default is not in fact Scores; it is whatever folder you last did a Save As to. Some people prefer this, others prefer what you do. So far no way has been developed to please everyone. See #268530: "Save As..." (and more) should default to current file location instead of Scores directory or other previous folder