Double bar before forward repeat:

• Feb 18, 2018 - 22:58

Attached is an example of another place I would like to place a "floating" double bar.

This time however I feel it should be at the end of a stave where a forward repeat begins the next system.

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Double bar.pdf 28.42 KB


That is already supported - just add the double barline there normally before adding the repeat in the next measure. Although I see you have an open repeat at the end of the first system in your example - is that deliberate? I think MuseScore sometimes gets confused on places these by mistake. We've fixed a few bugs that used to cause this more, but I still get it on rare occasions. First remove the repeat(s) and then you can place the double bar and re-add the repeat.

BTW, your example shows a good use of rhythmic slash notation, so hopefully you used the built-in tool for that rather than trying to fake it manually!

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