Files randomly getting renamed to _Users_<myname>_Downloads_<number>_<originalfilename> and moved to Applications folder

• Mar 17, 2018 - 08:12

If I leave MuseScore open for a few hours without closing out of my files, or if MuseScore crashes, all the songs I had open get renamed to "_Users_echennessy_Downloads_1928739874_Aladdin.mscz". Where "echennessy" is my computer username, "1928739874" is an example of one of the long numbers it randomly assigns, and "Aladdin" was what my song was originally titled.
Furthermore, it places the file directly in my "Applications" folder. When I save files, They go to echennessy --> Documents --> MuseScore --> Scores --> subfolder, so I have no idea why my (renamed) .mscz files are ending up in the Applications folder.

I provided a screen shot from earlier today - I must've had that file open for 10 minutes before it gave it a new name....but this time it didn't save it to the Applications folder. It saves to the original location, then the Applications folder about 70/30 of the times it does this, respectively.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2018-03-17 at 4.09.13 AM.png 259.28 KB


Leaving MuseScore unattended will never cause file names to change - I think you might be misinterpreting something about what is happening. For instance, after a crash, the file does sometimes save by default somewhere other than the original location, so now you have two copies, and it could be you are getting confused about which one you are actually using. If you still think you are seeing this, could you please give precise steps to reproduce the problem, starting with how you are opening the file to begin with (eg, using the Start Center, or File / Open, or by double-clicking in your OS file browser, etc)?

But it is true that after a crash, the recovered names can sometimes have the path names included, and if you simply "save" the file rather than "save as", that's the new name. You should use "Save As" to put the recovered version where you want. Otherwise it may save to some hidden place you'll have trouble finding later. And when you do the "Save As" you can give the name you want also.

For 2.2 this behavior will be changing, FWIW.

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