normalization of volume for exported wav files

• Apr 17, 2018 - 10:40

Exported wav files have "normalized" volume in a sense that the maximum volume that occurs in the score is set to maximum non-distorted volume of the sound. So, a movement in which the maximum volume is p (piano) is exported as if p was fff. Saving volume settings to score has no effect on the peak volume in the exported wav file.

Is there any way to export wav file of a "quiet" movement and "loud" movement if they are in separate scores?

Is there any way to prevent volume "normalization" in exported wav files to preserve relative dynamics across several scores?


1. Add two measures to the head of the piece(s). (to avoid reverb)
2. Put a fff note on the first measure.
The exported track(s) will be at the desired volume level.
3. Later: you can cut this part from the wav files.

Notice: If you have any "D.C.", you may need to replace it with "D.S.".
Edit: If you put a section-break in the second measure, this may not be necessary.

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