Shorten length of final system

• Apr 19, 2018 - 15:44

As I finish up my score, I noticed that the final system of music is stretched to fit the full width of the page. However, that stretches the notes very far apart relative to the previous systems in the score. Is there a way to make the final system not stretch across the entire page, so that the notes can be similar to their spacing in the previous systems? I tried changing the "last system filled threshold" in the Page Settings, but it didn't do anything significant.


BTW, "last system fill threshold" does do something significant, and could also be a solution. As the name implies, this is a threshold - if the last system is more full than this, it stretches to fill the page, otherwise it doesn't. So the way to keep your system from stretching is to make sure it doesn't exceed the threshold - raise the threshold to 100%, for instance.

In reply to by pmusso

It does, but maybe it doesn't work the way you assume. It's a threshold setting, not a width setting. So as noted, 100% is the way to get the last system to not stretch.

But indeed, 4.2.1 is pretty old, best to update - hundreds of bugs have been fixed since then, plus quite a few new features and other improvements.

In reply to by pmusso

Format / Page / Last system fill threshold

Increase the threshold to make it less likely to fill the system. 50-75% should do the job for your particular measures.

When the measures no longer fill the entire system, they will decrease in size to exactly the space required by the current settings for the notes, rests, and other notation. If you think that is too close together, select both measures and click on Format / Stretch / Increase layout stretch until it looks like you want it.

In reply to by TheHutch

This works also. Or use the shortcut “}” to increase stretch, or increase the width of the selected measures in the Appearance section of Properties.

To me this approach is a little ”scarier” than the frame approach because it relies on some settings you can’t see in your score and if the layout of your score changes so those measures are no longer all by themselves on that final system, you’ll need to remember to reset that stretch. It’s not a deal breaker, but between that and just being more steps, I tend to prefer the frame method.

In reply to by TheHutch

No, it’s quite normal that if you don’t crease the threshold to disable the last system fill, the result is very measures that are noticeably narrower than the rest of your score. That’s because everything else in your score is stretched to fill the system. It typically requires only a small amount, but if you are adding g breaks every four bars as is common, then many of those measures will be quite wide for their contents, whereas that unfilled last system won’t be.

In reply to by pmusso

If you mean the horizontal frame, it’s not a “setting” - it’s something you add to your score. Since you want it at the end of your score, you want Add / Frames / Append horizontal frame. Then just drag the handle to make it wider, which in turn makes the other measures on the system narrower.

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