• Apr 23, 2018 - 15:31

Estimados programadores:
Antes que nada, pedir perdón, porque ya veo que este foro es inglés, pero salvo traducirlo con Google, prefiero expresarme en mi idioma. Y en el foro de español no veo que haya uno relativo a posibles "bugs".
Recientemente he actualizado mi Musescore a la ver. 2.2.1 y no sé si ya era anterior, creo que no, pero noto con extrañeza cómo al escribir las cuatro estrofas de una canción (por lo tanto cuatro líneas de letra paralelas), se produce un espacio considerablemente superior entre la estrofa 2 y la 3, que entre la 1 y la 2; o entre la 3 y la 4.
Es por ello que me gustaría saber si es algo hecho a propósito por los programadores, o es un pequeño "bug" que pudiera solventarse. Ya que a mi entender, a parte de desperdiciarse unos milímetros, en las partituras, no me parece nada estético, en mi humilde apreciación.
De cualquier modo, gracias a quienes hacéis posible que los aficionados a la música disfrutemos con vuestro trabajo de este programa tan logrado.
Un saludo desde España


Google translate:
Dear programmers:
First of all, apologize, because I see that this forum is English, but unless I translate it with Google, I prefer to express myself in my language. And in the Spanish forum I do not see that there is one related to possible "bugs".
I recently updated my Musescore to the ver. 2.2.1 and I do not know if it was earlier, I think not, but I note with surprise how when writing the four stanzas of a song (therefore four parallel lines of lyrics), a considerably greater space is produced between stanza 2 and 3, that between 1 and 2; or between 3 and 4.
That is why I would like to know if it is something done on purpose by the programmers, or is a small "bug" that could be solved. Since in my opinion, apart from wasting a few millimeters, in the scores, I do not think anything aesthetic, in my humble appreciation.
Anyway, thanks to those who make it possible for music fans to enjoy your work with this successful program.
A greeting from Spain

First, you can post in the general discussion part of the Spanish forum since this does cover bugs. There are enough posts in the English forums that some people find the extra forums easier to manage. There are few posts in the Spanish forum, so fewer titles are necessary.

As Jojo said, it is best if you attach your score that looks wrong. I suspect it will have something to do with the Text Style for the odd lyrics.

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