Using sf3 SoundFonts outside of Musescore?

• May 26, 2018 - 00:55

I want to use the MuseScore_General.sf3 SoundFont in my DAW, but it seems that sf3 files are not accepted outside of MuseScore. Would it be possible to convert sf3 to sf2? Or is there any alternative to get this to work?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Recent versions of Fluidsynth can play sf3 soundfonts but OP asked for a tool to convert sf3 to sf2, wich AFAIK fluidsynth can't. Depending on the DAW/OS the OP might be able to use a fluidsynth based plugin (Ardour with lv2 etc.) but she/he would probably need to comile the plugin locally since most distros don't ship sf3-capable fluidsynth libraries (or did that change recently?).

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