Two proposals

• Jun 8, 2018 - 22:06

Hi, gang!!!

I propose two "new" helping hand to music writers into MuseScore:

1) Into the Dynamic Symbols panel, to add a SubMenu, inside all the dynamics possibilities, with the following options:
a) Apply to this instrument only.
b) Apply to all the instruments.

This is intended to use when we are working into the general dynamics of the whole piece. So, MuseScore will be able to know if we want to use the dynamic changes into one instrument only or on all the others (of course, MuseScore should put the symbols whatever our option was).

BTW: There always should be the option to change some instrument dynamics, into an specific moment of the piece, without to affect the others.

2) A separate window (or Panel) to speed (tempo). I propose something with an empty staff, no notes, only the bar indicators we are using into the piece and, of course, full piece synchronized. Then we can put all the tempo indicators we want to use along the piece, including rit... and acc..., and MuseScore just has to follow those directions!!!

Just my crazy ideas.

Blessings & Greetings from Chile!!!



1) In the inspector you have the option for the dynamic range to be set to Staff, part or system. Staff is one staff in a multi-staff instrument such as Piano. Part is this instrument (all staves in a multi-staff instrument) and system (all instruments).

2) Could use some more explanation about what you want. You can already put tempo indicators, it's just not easy, unless you use the tempochange plugin, to insert rit. and acc. Allowing these to be entered from the lines palette with the lines defaulting to invisible so you can change tempos would be a nice improvement.

In reply to by mike320

Hi, Mike!!!

About Tempo, I'm talking about a separate panel (window). Out of the general score. In that panel you can have an empty staff, with the bars, the indicator bars you're using, and any other tempo related thing.

Of course, on that staff you won't have any notes. It is full empty, so... It will be smaller than the whole piece score.

Into this empty staff you can put all the tempo commands you want to use along the piece, including rit... and acc...

MuseScore has to have the ability to recognize all from this panel to play the piece as we want it does!!!

That's all!!!

About dynamics, yes, you're right about the inspector part, but... I can't use it in a useful way!!!

I mean: I select a note, into one staff. Then I double click into a dynamics symbol (ff, as example). Then, and only then, is when we have the Inspector options!!!

What I've been asked is that the options, between applied dynamic symbols to one instrument or all of them, appear BEFORE we put the symbols into the score.

Did I explain my idea with the right words???

In reply to by jotape1960

You explanation is very clear. Never doubt your English it is fine.

One thing that would need to be considered for the small staff in a window to work is that currently you have the option of putting a tempo on any beat in the staff. Your small staff would need to take this into consideration. I would actually prefer it to be like most everything else, you simply apply it to the score then modify the particulars as needed.

As for dynamics, you can customize and save dynamics into a custom workplace so they default to being applied to the proper parts. See… if you are not familiar with it. I would leave the current dynamics in the current palette and create a new palette with system wide dynamics.

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