how to remove trouble clef to see only guitar tabs for this score?

• Jun 22, 2018 - 21:10

hey team! quick q; i googled for how to remove the trouble clef when i'm reading a particular guitar tab; i just want to see the tab. but when i hit 'i' then uncheck visible its still there. what to do? ubuntu if it matters

Attachment Size
Satie, Erik - Gymnopedie No. 1.gp3 2.9 KB


Guitar Pro structures their scores somewhat differently than MuseScore, so when reading in a Guitar Pro file, you're left with a score that doesn't necessarily work the same way as normal scores. Personally, I'd probably just create a new score normally and copy in the content from the Guitar Pro version - that way I would know I had a nice clean score with no other odd GP artifacts. But another way would be to view the score (not the part, which is where you are seeing the tab), then add a linked tab staff, then remove the standard staff.

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