Nothing is working for me
It looks like the backend is heavily degraded. I cannot do literally anything. Even uploading avatar image leads to error. Downloading scores leads to 504 gateway timeout. Playing scores on sight does nothing
It looks like the backend is heavily degraded. I cannot do literally anything. Even uploading avatar image leads to error. Downloading scores leads to 504 gateway timeout. Playing scores on sight does nothing
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Yeah. It's bugged-a-roo. Wanted to upload a new piece of music, but nothing is working. Even my Dashboard on the webpage is not loading properly.
No score image is loaded, Error message during avatar image upload. Either gateway or s worker behind it is dead
See How and where to ask for support reg. issue with
(I can confirm the issues though)
In reply to See How and where to ask for… by Jojo-Schmitz
It seems working again