Disappearing toolbar!

• Jun 29, 2018 - 22:04

I'm just learning MuseScore and, after plugging along with the one-page "Getting Started" sheet, had been working on my first real score. I had made pretty good progress over a several days. I was working on it yesterday, saved my work and shut down my computer. Later last evening I went back to work on it some more, but the on-screen toolbar was missing. I've looked everywhere I can think of in the tabs at the top of the page and tried to find an answer in the on-line help book, all to no avail. I suspect that it will seem obvious once someone tells me how to get the toolbar back, but at present, I'm at a loss.

Thanks for any help.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks so much for your prompt reply, Marc! I tried your suggestion, and when I clicked on "Toolbars" under "View", I found that the middle three boxes were checked, but the first and fifth were not. I tried checking on the boxes, once then twice, then tried clicking the words, but nothing happened. As I was writing this reply, I went back to "View" to tell you the names of the boxes that weren't checked, and this time when I clicked on those two boxes, they "Checked"! Seems a bit odd! But your suggestion worked, and I appreciate it so much!



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