On the MIDI mapping, replace "Toggle Rest" with "Enter Rest". PLEASE!!

• Mar 8, 2025 - 23:45

MS3 would let you map a MIDI key to "Rest", Musecore 4 broke it. It's been brought up several times and remains broken. I can't figure out what toggle rest is even supposed to accomplish.

Say I have a section with lots of 8th notes and 8th rests. In MS3, I'd stay on the MIDI keyboard, hit low E (designated key for Duration: 8th note), use my right hand to play the pitches, and my left hand to play low (B♭ - my designated key for Rest). Keeping both hands on the MIDI keyboard I could FLY through note input, entering a viola part for a Mozart serenade in just a couple minutes. If I try the same process in MS4 not a single rest is entered so everything is wrong. For someone with muscle memory using MS3 I get through 30-40 measures before I glance at the computer screen and realize there are no rests. Now I constantly have to move back and forth from the MIDI keyboard to the computer keyboard to type 0. It easily triples the time to input a part. Please address this. People have been complaining about it since MS4 dropped.


Given the name, I would expect it to switch ("toggle") between entering notes and entering rests. For the fun of it, set the duration to one particular value and then enter a few notes. Hit the "Toggle Rest" button and enter a few more notes. If my guess is correct, after you do so, it will enter rests instead of notes. Hit "Toggle Rest" again and I predict it will again enter notes.

I've no idea if this is actually right, but the name suggests that this might be what happens. *shrug*

Good luck!!!

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