Multimeasure rests

• Mar 9, 2025 - 09:39

I want to know if there is a way to do my multimeasure rests as I go through my note entry, instead of having to wait until the end of all the note entry to do "Format -- Style -- Rests -- " and tick the multimeasure rest box. This method also combines the hundreds of rests that are empty that I will be filling up, and it is annoying to continually have to do all the multimeasure rests to see where the page turn is best for the page I am working on, and then undo all of the multimeasure rests in order to continue doing note entry. Thanks!


No. Do it at the end only, or not at all: multimeasure rests are rather unusual for the full score, but rather common and automatically switched on for parts.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

If they’re transposing to a third violin part, they would naturally be using a full score version.

As to the OP, add a part score for the violin, even though it’s the only instrument, and it should have multimeasure rests. I still recommend editing it without them though, you can format later.

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