Playing 16th gracenotes in the beginning of a bar
Playing 16th gracenotes in the beginning of a bar is not performed correctly. Inside the bar gracenotes are played fine. Solvejgs Sang, original.mscz
Playing 16th gracenotes in the beginning of a bar is not performed correctly. Inside the bar gracenotes are played fine. Solvejgs Sang, original.mscz
I don't see code to review, nor a reason why this should be major.
I assume you are talking about these grace notes in measure 2:
a) these are Appoggiaturas and as such play as they should, maybe you wanted Acciaccaturas (those with a slash through the stem)?
b) is there an example where these grace notes play as you want them to play when not at the beginning of a measure?
Like in measure 54?
Which shows both, Appoggiaturas at the beginning and in the middle of a measure, I can't detect any difference in playback though?
Indeed, this is the difference between appoggiatura and acciaccatura and is correct. Some day we may also add the ability to control the playback to force appoggiaturas to play as acciaccaturas or provide other customziations. There are already existing feature requests for that so I'm closing as duplicate of, for example, #13811: Select playback method of Grace Notes, Arpeggio & Glissando and Articulations & Ornaments