jumps ignored

• Jul 10, 2018 - 15:38
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

I have several scores that use both jumps and repeats. They have worked in previous versions.

In 2.3, the To Coda, DS al Coda etc. are completely ignored on playback. In version 2.1.0 they work.

Attachment Size
(Your_Passion_is)_Three_Notes_Away.mscz 23.35 KB


I don't see how this pattern could have ever worked. Here is the order of your labels:

segno, coda, D.S. al coda, Fine

MuseScore, like a human, has no idea what you want from this list of jump symbols.

For a D.S. al coda you must always have these labels entered from the jump palettes in this order:

segno, to coda, D.S. al coda, Coda

Once you have added these jumps from the palette, you can then change the display to whatever you like. I would suggest that you make the displays meaningful for a human.

One other thing, in the repeats, the score never plays volta 3 at measure 33 because you have the Play count set to the default of 2 in the Measure Properties (right click the measure for the context menu to select Measure Properties).

In reply to by Peter Gostelow

First, the play count is the total number of time the section is played, so it will only play volta 3 if the Play count is at least 3, otherwise it only plays twice then jumps over volta 3.

For jumps, you must use the appropriate jumps markers from the palette. Simply changing the label or type on some of them will not tell MuseScore properly what you want to do. There are probably exceptions, but since I don't program I don't know what they might be. Why try to trick MuseScore into doing something when there is a straight forward way to do it? As it said, you can change what is displayed, like on the Coda symbol you used, but it needs to be entered first as a To Coda then the text changed to the symbol which can be found by press F2 while editing it. Some people will tell that doing you this is totally wrong, but I've seen it and understand it.

Severity S3 - Major S5 - Suggestion
Status (old) active by design
Status active by design

You really need to move these discussions to the forum rather than creating bug reports in the issue tracker. They clutter up the issue tracker with things that are not broke.

Severity S5 - Suggestion S3 - Major
Status (old) by design active
Status by design active

After updating as you suggested, it now does not return to the Coda. I think you need to separate score that was working on broken versions, and therefore incorrect on the current version, and a current version that still has issues. I'm including the update to show it doesn't return properly, I have corrected the volta so the repeats will work for version 2.3. I hope we can resolve this amicably.

The jumps file is another example, it should play the D S al Coda 2x, it only plays it the 2nd time.

Attachment Size
(Your_Passion_is)_Three_Notes_Away.mscz 23.39 KB
.Jumps_.mscz, 8.3 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I made the fixes I told OP to make in the first place in the attached score.


For some reason everything is working except the to Coda in measure 24, it's being totally ignored. I removed and reentered all of the jumps from the Advanced palette to assure no one had made any alterations to them.

I'm now confused because I get the same results in both 2.2.1 and 2.3.

Edit: I didn't change any labels, when I did, it still didn't work.

in (Your_Passion_is)_Three_Notes_Away.mscz

  • You're using a volta "3." with a corresponding repeat list, but the play count of the measure(s) with the end repeat barline is just 2. So of course that part doesn't play at all.
  • You're using a D.S al Code, with the jumps tags for the coda changed to fine, and a Coda where you change the tag fine, why??
  • You'd dragged that Coda/Fine visually to the end of the measure, while it belongs to its start, why?
  • You using a volta "2." with a repeat list of "1,2", followed by another volta "2.", this time with a repeatlist of "2". What do you expect it to play?

What exactly is the desired 'roadmap' ?

Status (old) needs info closed
Status needs info closed

While volta & jumps interpretation indeed was corrected in v2.2 for a simple AABA form you wouldn't need a Volta at all.
Just a single repeat sign at the end of A, a D.C.alFine at the end of B and a Fine at the end of A work as expected; no properties to change, all just drag-n-drop straight from the palette onto the score.

Attachment Size
274154_AABA.mscz 7.43 KB

In reply to by Peter Gostelow

You've just quite complicated the roadmap from simple AABA to something else entirely.

The feature you're missing is the ability to take a jump more than once, combined with a possible bug about not finding the coda if it is located before the segno (I'm guessing, not investigated yet).

Bookmarked this issue to have a closer look in the future.

Severity S3 - Major S5 - Suggestion
Type Functional Performance
Reported version 2.3 3.4
Regression No
Reproducibility Always
Workaround No

Hi, so I'm pleased to report I've figured out repeats, voltas, and (repeated) jumps and they work great. Thank you for a great program!