Help us to complete Text Editing and Text Positioning in 3.0
Hello everyone!
The master branch representing 3.0 version is our main goal as you know. We are developing it on daily basis together with you and we need your help. A lot of improvements have been introduced in 3.0 as well as number of regressions. One of the feature which didn't work properly fo a long time was Text editing/positioning.
We want to ask you to help and do testing of this feature in MuseScore 3.0. You may follow your basic scenarios that you are used to follow in 2.3, but in 3.0. You may make specific testing scenarios for 3.0. The most important thing is reporting all the inconveniences and issues to the issue tracker.
There are two special parent tasks for this feature: #272131: [EPIC] Text editing issues and #272132: [EPIC] Text positioning issues. When you create new issue, just mention the parent one somewhere to link them together. These Epic issues allow us to track the progress and allow you to see that 3.0 is being improved day by day.
The latest master builds are available here:
Welcome to testing!
PS. One more feature that is still in progress is new concept of Text Styles which is related. Check out the discussion here.