Musescore won't open

• Aug 1, 2018 - 11:10

Hello, I'm new to Musescore and had downloaded the free version and was notating a piece of music so as to learn how to use Musescore. All went well ; but now Musescore will not open, If I click on the icon, I get the little running circle thing which tells me it's on its way, but then that stops and the programme is not there. If I go to my saved file (it's just in Documents, I'm not saving to the cloud or Musescore or anything) and click that, again I get the "just wait a minute" signal and then that stops and the file does not open.
I've done everything my limited knowledge suggests - uninstalled Musescore, shut down the computer, reinstalled etc. Didn't work. I found the hidden file and tried to open that, but it didn't open.
I checked taskmanager and every time I try to open Musescore, task manager adds it to the list, (so I end up with 4 or 5 entries for Musescore before I decide this is pointless and "end task"). In task manager "processes" it shows 0% CPU, but under "details" it shows Musescore as running.
I am on Windows 8.
I've got no idea what to do. I don't mind if I lose the score, since it was only a practice, but that doesn't seem to be the issue.
Any help would be much appreciated.


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