balancing dynamics between movements

• Aug 28, 2018 - 21:08

I have a multi-movement work that I created the various movements for separately on different files, not thinking (as I should have) about the dynamic rel between the movements, so now the dynamic balance feels wrong between them. is there an easy way of balancing this out, or is it a matter of resetting every dynamic within each movement? I wonder if there's a way of resetting the initial dynamic and then getting Musescore to automatically adjust the rest of the dynamics in that movement relative to that dynamic.....probably not!


The answer may differ depending on whether you are talking about the computer-generated playback, the audio export, or how it will sound when actual musicians play the piece.

Considering MuseScore is a notation program first and foremost, the "right" answer is to pay attention to #3 first and make sure you are using the dynamic markings you want to use. Then if you need to fiddling with settings somewhere to tweak the computer-generated playback, you are at least starting from a reasonable place.

Assuming you've taken the time to make the actual dynamic markings make sense, then the playback should take care of itself. The export audio will be normalized based on peak volume, however, so if you want to preserve the relative volumes, you could use Audacity or some similar program to reduce volume of the quieter movements. Or use the album feature to combine them before export.

It is rather simple to select every dynamic of a type (like mf) and change it's velocity (volume). Right click the dynamic, chose select>more... then check same subtype and OK. You can then adjust the velocity in the inspector on every occurrence of that dynamic.

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