Line Layout Automation (customizable to your own liking manually for the whole score before writing on the sheet)

• Sep 10, 2018 - 00:29

I want to be able to customize the level where the lines appears on by default for the whole score before writing anything, not doing it at the end of the work.

  • My current problem
    I have dynamics with a crescendo on the "vertical offset" 0.00sp (that's ok where it is as for my need in this peculiar case)
    When I add the sustain pedal by default it gets put on the "vertical offset" 0.00sp

  • Way to fix it in a future update
    1- To add an option in the menu
    Edit / Preferences
    Add a new tab option "Layout automation"
    where there are tab option for
    General, Canvas, Note Input, Score, I/O, Import, Export, Shortcuts, Update, (than that new option "layout automation")

2- Add a group menu (already existing in this menu) that appears in the inspector once you clicked on a specific line, in my case the sustain pedal line only. would have one more group menu added in the Inspector (where there is already - Element- as the first group, -Line- as the second group)
I would like to add a menu "Default Automation"
where you would have to chose between two option like Manually.

Where you could chose the level you want it to be between (automatically chose by musescore) or (manually chosen once but for all the lines)

It would be chosen in the menu like it looks like when you click on a note than go in the inspector menu/ Note/velocity (offset [as it it by defaul by musescore] or User [where it lets you chose manually the velocity] )

Like for this case it would be [musescore current default setting] or [manually chose 1- (Horizontal offset) and 2- (Vertical offset) ]

***Do not create one layout automation for all the line cause it would be a mess cause that would include the crescendos too and those won't have the same default layout for what I would like to use them personally.

Where the layout option would be to change the layout automation for the lines, like the sustain pedal line notation to fit the "Vertical Offset" = 3.00sp.

The dynamics are perfect on the "Vertical Offset" = 0.00sp

Also I got the feed back from the people on the musescore support group how to kind of fix my current problem :…

It fix it but at the end of the piece only, if you do it manually before the end and do what they sold me than it adds 3ps to those I already moved.

Hey I'm sorry if it might seem really weirdly said, but I did my best to kind of put it into words.
The more I think about it I should try to make a video about what I'm trying to explain I guess. If I really need to do I'll try to make a video about with visual support of what I tried to explain.
Let me know if you understood what I wanned to communicate to make that upgrade maybe in a future musescore update. ;)


I'm not sure I understand. You can already customize the default position of dynamics, hairpins, pedal lines, and other elements using Style settings any time, including before entering notes. You can also save a customized style file or a template for use in future scores.

Anyhow, the next major version of MuseScore will avoid many collisions automatically, greatly reducing the need to even think bout customizing default positions.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the reply.
I now just realized what you meant by that comment on facebook.
And now it kinds of makes me look like a fool. Please forgive me for that.

When I finally manage to understand what you meant. It really makes me feel bad about my statement how it took me so long to finally understand.
But in the end it really saved my day! :)

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