File Selection
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion
by design
Hi! I have found a bug. While I was composing my first ever piece, I accidentally opened up my backup file for that composition, so when I was done, I copied the old file and replaced it permanently for the new one, causing me to lose three hours of my work. Please add the option to only select files from the scores folder in the MuseScore folder, or create a backup folder in that same folder, thank you!
FWIW, MuseScore fill not normally allow you to open backup files. You must have renamed the file to remove the comma at the end,, at which point there is no longer anything to tell MuseScore it was formerly a backup. Also, backup files are created in that same folder. So it isn't quite clear what actually happened here. We would need more information in order to assist further. And for future reference, it is better to use the Support forum when asking for help using MuseScore, including when you are trying to understand if there is a need for new feature or if there is a way to get the job done already.
If indeed you renamed and then opened a backup file, and that way destroyed your other file, this is by design and an error between keyboard and chair.
But I assume that by 'backup file' you mean something else, like a file you stored in some other place.
This still seems an error between keyboard and chair though, you do get a warning when you try to overwrite another existing files, and if you ignore that indeed you'd lose that, which is exactly what that wrning is telli9ng you.
MuseScore has no way of knowing which of 2 files is your "backup" and which the original, it is only you to know and decide.