No double sharp or double flat on Note input toolbar
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion
by design
There are no double sharps or double flats on the note input toolbar as in previous version. Please put them back. These are not too uncommon and almost impossible to make without using a toolbar, palette or shortcut.
The double sharp and double flat buttons will appear if you switch to the Advanced workspace.
In reply to The double sharp and double… by mattmcclinch
There's a lot to learn about 3.0.
And in 3.0 you can customize the toolbar too, at part of a custom workspace
In reply to And in 3.0 you can customize… by Jojo-Schmitz
Since this issue is going no where and will help anyone else looking to understand this:
How do you edit a toolbar in a custom workspace? Right clicking only give me a menu with windows and toolbars to view/hide.
In reply to Since this issue is going no… by mike320
Since I don't give up easy, I found the answer.
In the view menu when you expand toolbars it gives the option Customize toolbars with a default shortcut of Ctrl+Alt+T