massive(!) slowdown from Score::removeSpanner: Slur (0x59776360) not found
Some of these messages…
Score::removeSpanner: HairPin (0x5970b700) not found
Score::removeSpanner: Slur (0x59776360) not found
… are normal with a score, I was being told. However, something must be done about them. If the message is expected, remove it. If the message is not expected, fix the underlying bug, then remove it. (I said so in IRC a couple of weeks ago, IIRC at least Jojo was present.)
Starting MuseScore with the Holst “The Planets” OpenScore, I get ALMOST EIGHTEEN THOUSAND error lines like that. It takes OVER 90 SECONDS for the GUI to even show up. And I’ve not even started playing it.
I’m attaching a terminal logfile (typescript) for your pleasure, to show that this explodes in larger scores.
Had to rename the file from .log to .txt…
can you attach the score too?
In reply to can you attach the score too? by Jojo-Schmitz
The MSCZ from
Similar issue in 3.0, which on top claims that score to be corrupt:
Measure 459, staff 52, voice 2 too long. Expected: 6/8; Found: 54/48
Measure 459, staff 54, voice 2 too long. Expected: 6/8; Found: 54/48
Measure 462, staff 52, voice 2 too long. Expected: 6/8; Found: 54/48
Measure 462, staff 54, voice 2 too long. Expected: 6/8; Found: 54/48
In reply to Similar issue in 3.0, which… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh, I don’t doubt that the score is, in addition to that, slightly corrupt. The messages are there for 2.3 as well, just buried in the almost 18'000 other ones.
2.3.2 doesn't report any corruptions though
In reply to 2.3.2 doesn't report any… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah, right, it has other messages:
zero slur at tick 1083360(1083360) track 256 in measure 256-256