Musescore Songbook

• Oct 31, 2018 - 21:16

I am trying to open my musescore files (.mscz) using Songbook and most of the time, when I do this, I get an error message "Unfortunately, Songbook has stopped". It worked a few times, but now it never opens the file.

It doesn't matter if the files are in Dropbox or on my tablet's SD card, I still get the error. Very frustrating.

I have the older version not the newest one. I was just trying to determine which version I have and I cannot find a way to do it on my Android tablet (Samsung Galaxy Note Pro).
Tim Proffitt


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I am pretty sure I did not pay for Songbook app. I am very leary in loading the new version because of the issues I have seen on Musescore's website. If I do load the new Songbook app and if I do not like it, can I switch back to the old version? It does not sound like I will be able to, since the old version does not exist anymore, correct?

In reply to by Tim Proffitt

Jojo-Schmitz is correct: the MuseScore Songbook app was a paid for app. It is no longer available on Google's Play Store so don't delete it from your device as you won't be able to get it back. The replacement MuseScore app is still in a state of development and you can have it installed alongside Songbook with no problems.

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