Tonic Solfa

• Nov 17, 2018 - 14:21

does anyone know why Musescore can provide complex musical assistance but is not able to provide add on for simple tonic solfa notation used by millions worldwide?


No one of those millions have ever developed the feature for MuseScore ;-)

Jokes aside, MuseScore have some basic features, and some highly specialised features. The basic features are added by the core programmers and contributors who does not have a specific special need necessarily, because they are core features. Almost all of the specialised features were added by people for whom that specific niche capability was useful. Obviously nobody using MuseScore wanted that feature badly enough yet and could program it. So, if you want it, you can always program it yourself. Or you can get a person with programming knowledge and an interest in tonic solfa interested in writing the code. There seemed to be a plugin starting to take shape, maybe you can extend it?

Don't get me wrong, I am not against this idea, it is just that the frequency with which it is requested makes it a much lower priority than you would think.

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