Linked bars

• Nov 19, 2018 - 22:05

I think I've posted this before, but it probably was not in the right place, so here it goes again:
Linked bars would be distinct groups of bars on a staff, with the same content that are "linked" together, so that when one group is edited, all the others are edited as well, automatically. For example, if I need to repeat a whole chorus later on in the staff, I can just copy it and "link-paste" that chorus later in the staff. So, if I change something in the first chorus, the second (linked) copy of it gets changed as well. I've used this in a old score editor, before moving on to MuseScore, so I was expecting to find a similar feature here. Is this addressed someway, in version 3? Otherwise if I have a section of the staff repeated, say, 3 or 4 times, whenever I change one, I have to manually change all the others. Of course, there would be also the possibility of "unlinking" any or all the linked copies, so they would become independent of where they were initially copied from.


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